My (genuine) First Blog Post

This is the (actual) first post of my new Astro blog.

Sat Jan 13

Written by: Me

The Astro logo on a dark background with a pink glow.



learning in public

First Post

This is my first proper post. I have made a commitment that I will make this website my own, and document my learning and development here, amongst other things. I’m not entirely sure what I am going to use this for yet, but it is something I have to do.

In it’s current form, it is a complete rip off of the Astro tutorial. I followed the tutorial conceptually and technically quite well for the majority of it, but as I have not done any real JavaScript for over a year now, I got a bit lost. When I was learning it (JS) before I got completely lost when learning OOP, the DOM and the prototype chain, so it’s no wonder I got lost during the end section of the tutorial.

I really have no idea how to blog, or consistently journal for that matter. I don’t expect anyone to actually read anything I write here, and so this is not going to be anything other than my own genunine inner dialogue, experiences and future plans.

I suppose the first thing I should probably talk about is why I chose Astro to make my blog/learning in public/portfolio website. I was looking at hugo first, as I intend to learn golang soon(ish), but I had read about the new dynamic islands in Astro and it reminded me how much I enjoyed JavaScript and that it is something I eventually want to revisit, and potentially start building some websites, so thought I would have a go at building this!

Anyway, this is getting long.