Good grades despite feeling swamped, keeping momentum up
Thu Jan 23
Written by: Me
Another very good result on my TMA. Every single one so far I’ve done so much better than I expected. Really juggling everything quite well at the moment and long may it continue. In my heart of hearts I know that I still need to be allocating much more time to Physics but being perfectly honest, perfectionism has held me back many times before and I am much wiser now, and will just keep riding the wave until I have a true setback and revaluate.
I also got some really nice feedback on my project work. I know there’s bits that could be stronger, and it could be coded much more defensively but it serves the purpose well and im happy with the result. I am throughly enjoying using AWS and I am amazed everytime I do a Terraform Apply and all the configuring is done perfectly like magic, it amazes me every time! Very cool stuff, seriously making me consider looking at DevOps roles.
That brings me to the only real negative in my mind at the moment. I cant quite fathom how far I’ve come in the past year, and how hard I’m still working and that it seems utterly pointless applying for jobs on indeed. I think I’m just going to focus on building skills and making cool things, networking and trying to build a presence elsewhere instead. Hopefully my efforts are noticed at some stage soon.