Nearly got the job, last TMA wasn't a total disaster
Thu Feb 27
Written by: Me
So I actually did really well throughout the job interview process. I was told that the last spot was between me and another person, and after much deliberation, the other person was deemed a better fit. We got the exact same score on the assessment day.
This was out of approx 350 applications, and I was literally the highest scoring of those that didn’t get the job. So utterly disapointing.
However, theres a lot that I gained from this experience! I know without a shadow of a doubt that I would be an amazing developer. I know without a shadow of a doubt that I would enjoy spending time surrounded by other amazing developers. I know without a shadow of a doubt that this is the career for me, and that I need to keep going.
I got my TMA result back too. It wasn’t great as I expected, but wasnt the end of the world. Really brought my average mark down though, and I’m now mid 2:1 territory. Again, disappointing but I won’t be grumbling at a 2:1 upon graduation, so why should I now?
I’ve also been reflecting on what I’m even doing writing this blog. I have been pretty consistently journaling for once, and this is in effect an extension of that. So, is this just for professional purposes? If so, should I be sharing as much? I’m not sure. I do know that I do not want this to be fake.
I have been thinking of the journey I have been on for the past year or so, and how my expectations have changed over time. It might be an idea to start writing to myself at the start of this, as that may resonate and help people who are just starting.
Who knows?